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Assessment of Nuclear Energy

Is Nuclear Power "Russian Roulette"? Nobuo Ikeda COLUMN

Caldeira et al., a group of four meteorologists, released an open letter to government policymakers worldwide regarding the necessity of developing nuclear power to prevent global warming driven climate change. This has drawn opposition around the world, but let us take a look that the dissent of Prof. Jusen Asuka et al. in Japan.

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The current state of promising research into extraction of uranium from seawater — Utilization of Japan's plentiful seas Noriaki Seko COLUMN

While humanity has a close connection with the ocean, it can also be called a world that has much left to uncover. As much as the ocean is unknown, so too does it hold great potential, and it used not only as a food store, but also holds great energy resources.

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Why I can’t give up nuclear power Tetsuo Takashima COLUMN

In addition to the disaster due to the earthquake and tsunami, the Great East Japan Earthquake two years ago also brought another big disaster: the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This accident caused radioactive contamination in neighboring towns and cities as well as the tragedy that even now, two years later, many residents cannot return to their own homes. Moreover, reactor decommissioning will reportedly take 40 years.

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The case for nuclear power Gregory Clark COLUMN

The Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant disaster has made Japan reconsider the role of nuclear power in its future. But for some reason we hear little about the non-disaster at the nearby Onagawa nuclear plant. What did not happen at Onagawa during the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami events could be much more relevant to Japan's nuclear power future than what happened at Fukushima.

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Lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident(PDF) Tadashi Narabayashi ARTICLE

Many lessons can be learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. First, if an isolation condenser (IC) continues to operate, the accident would be terminated soon. A reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) steam turbine also stopped due to loss of battery power in Unit #2 and #3. suppression pool (S/P) temperature and pressure were so high that the accident management water injection took took too long time. After the loss of ECCS and IC core cooling, Containment Vessel pressure increased. Hydrogen explosion occurred after venting. The analysis results show that the depressurization of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) started before RPV bottom failure. It is hoped that the lessons learned from this accident will help to improve the safety of nuclear power plants worldwide.

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Japan Cannot Abandon her Nuclear Fuel Cycle! — A Critical Review of DPJ’s “Nuclear Zero” Policy Professor Kumao KANEKO COLUMN

Confronted with the wide-spread popular resentment towards nuclear energy in the wake of the March 2011 severe accident, the Japanese government under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has taken steps to drastically reduce the country’s dependence upon nuclear energy: a base-load source of electricity at the level of 30-35% prior to the accident and even anticipated to grow up to 50% by 2030.

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The Highly Safe Nuclear Power Plant: Reevaluation and Technology Devolution of The Fast Reactor Moriyasu Tokiwai COLUMN

The author is a retired researcher, born in 1944 and currently 68 years old. After retirement, I established a start-up company NuSAC, venture company No. 55 of Tokyo Institute of Technology. I investigate nuclear energy technologies, and am currently recommending decontamination technologies for Fukushima Prefecture. One could call me an old researcher.

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Easy Establishment of Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Agency Won’t Be Permitted: Securing Professionalism Engenders Safety and Trust Tetsuo Sawada COLUMN

On June 15, 2012, the House of Representatives in Japan passed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bill. The Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito reviewed and revised the draft put forth by the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, such that, for instance, the Commission’s organizational structure would instead be an “Article 3 Committee,” or a government agency with strong independence. Considered an improvement over the original draft, the final bill with all revisions intact appears likely to become law. Beginning with the appointments, the challenges now are how to actually staff and build the organization, and how to enhance genuine competency among the staff. This column discusses the appropriate format of a nuclear regulatory agency with a mission to protect citizens’ lives, in order to prevent nuclear disasters like the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident to recur.

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“At the Mercy of Politics: Safety Improvement Work at Chubu Electric Power’s Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station”. Takaaki Ishii REPORT

In May last year, then Prime Minister Naoto Kan requested shut down of Hamaoka nuclear power satation of Chubu Electric Power, saying that it is very likely to be the Tokai earthquake. As a result, the Company begun safety improvement works mainly tsunami measures on a scale of 140 billion yen. He reports the present condition at Hamaoka.

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“Japan’s zero-nuclear dream” the Washington Post ARTICLE

Editorial column, on September 17th. It views zero-nuclear negatively and as a “dream”.

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“Noda’s nuclear phase-out is decisive – but not final” Financial Times ARTICLE

Its editorial column of September 17th . It evaluates this policy as decisive, though its handling may change with future change of government, an economical argument and so on.

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At the Mercy of Politics: Safety Improvement Work at Chubu Electric Power’s Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station GEPR Editorial staffs COLUMN

Receiving the request of then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan, Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station of Chubu Electric Power (Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture) shut down its reactor operations in May last year. Today, at a cost of 140 billion yen, large-scale construction work on tsunami countermeasures and other improvements continue at the site in an effort to enhance safety further. GEPR editorial staff visited the site in early August to report on the developments.

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Nuclear after Fukushima Lady Judge COLUMN

It is common knowledge that the world is set to go from six to nine billion people in the next 20-30 years. In order to cope with the energy challenges encompassed in this daunting thought, there are three questions which many nations must face.

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My feelings as a disaster victim who had supported nuclear power — It is necessary to continue to think about the reality of the disaster and its true causes Toshiro Kitamura COLUMN

For nearly half of a century, I had made it my job to promote nuclear power, but no sooner had I retired than I myself was forced to evacuate by the nuclear incident. It is quite the ironic story.

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Was the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident “Made in Japan”? Nobuo Ikeda COLUMN

The English version of the official report released by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC) of the National Diet of Japan contains a preface message by the chairman with the following passage.

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The Fukushima Accident and the NAIIC Report Wade Allison ARTICLE

Low or moderate radiation doses and dose rates are harmless, but the public health effects of a misunderstood accident like the one at Fukushima are dangerous, to individuals and to the society and economy at large. Perceptions of the health threat posed by the released radioactivity have been magnified by overly cautious international "safety" standards. The consequential collapse of confidence and widespread fear are unrelated to the physical effect of the radiation on human life. Contrary to the view expressed by the recent NAIIC Report this is a significant international problem, not a purely national Japanese one.

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Reconsidering the Nuclear Power Plant: Risks, Costs, Global Warming Kiminori Itoh COLUMN

All of the reasons for promoting nuclear power plants, including the incidence of accidents, costs, and climate change response through reduced CO2 emissions, are entirely forced logic at this point in time. Reasoned logic falls away in the presence of forced logic. Consider the following specific pieces of evidence.

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Public Trust in Nuclear Energy Wade Allison ARTICLE

He points out that excessive fear for nuclear power had spread under the Cold War structure and emphasizes the necessity to face radiation rationally.

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Executive Summary of the Interim Report Investigation Committee on the Accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations of Tokyo Electric Power Company REPORT

Summary of Interim Report (The full version is now being translated into English by the Committee)

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Is Fukushima Dangerous? -- Distorted images of Japan - Morley Robertson × Nobuo Ikeda

What's happen? What was the cause in Fukushima? Morley Robertson, writer and DJ, talk about distorted images of Japan after Fukushima nuclear plant accident with Nobuo Ikeda.

21st Century Energy Challenges

At the ARPA-E 2012 summit, Bill Gates and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu discussed the largest energy challenges of the 21st century in the U.S. and around the world.

A Web-TV Program "Is radiation really so harmful? Considering risks of nuclear power generation" (Japanese only)

Agora Institute, who operates GEPR, broadcasted a Web-TV program "Is radiation really so harmful? Considering risks of nuclear power generation" on internet video streaming channel "Niconico Live " on January 19th (in Japanese only) . Nobuo Ikeda, President of Agora Incorporated, and three experts on radiation, risk analysis, and energy policy discussed about the situations after Fukushima nuclear accident. Their opinions were consistent that potentiality of health damage caused by the Fukushima accident is very small. GEPR will provide a summary about this program soon.


Agora Inc., who operates GEPR, releases a podcast program which was originally aired on Jan. 19th, 2012on internet video streaming channel "Nico-nico Live"; "Is radiation really so harmful? Considering risks of nuclear power generation" (Japanese only) The panel: Nobuo Ikeda, Akihiro Sawa, Jun Takada, and Hiroyuki Matsuda
